Coronavirus – What We’d Like You to Know

Solutions to Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19 Infection

Keeping up with all the news about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak in Oregon can be a challenge. The images, links, and FAQs below will help you separate fact from fiction, and give you simple solutions to reduce your risk of infection.

Knowing the facts can help us protect ourselves, our families and our community. Do your part by staying informed about COVID-19.


Wallace began receiving the vaccine in January, and will receive more doses soon. We are excited to be able to offer the vaccine to our patients. Read more here.

The coronavirus spreads through droplets or direct contact with an infected person in these ways:

  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your nose, mouth or eyes

The same steps you can take to protect yourself from flu and the common cold will also help to prevent coronavirus:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. If you use a tissue, wash your hands afterwards.
  • Stay home when you are sick. Keep sick children home from school.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Practice “social distancing.” That means staying home as much as possible.

The coronavirus does not spread through the air. Wearing a mask if you are healthy will not help prevent getting infected.

OHA and CDC both came out with new guidance on this yesterday—please look on their websites. One thing they felt it’s important to emphasize while discussing the topic is that everyone should reserve medical/surgical masks for health care workers, and that wearing masks (homemade or otherwise) does NOT substitute for all of the other precautions (hand hygiene, stay at home, physical distancing, etc).

The main symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure to the virus.

covid-19 info

Some people are at higher risk for getting very sick from this illness. They include:

  • Older adults (age 60 and above)
  • People with serious health conditions, including heart and lung problems, diabetes, kidney disease, or a suppressed immune system.

If you are at higher risk of getting very sick from coronavirus, you should follow the everyday precautions described above and stay home as much as possible. You can also find detailed advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here.

If you or someone in your family is sick and has any of these symptoms, please call us at 503-489-1760 before coming into the clinic. We will talk with you and help you determine the best course of action.

For now, Wallace does not have the ability to test for the coronavirus. Many other nearby clinics can:

Legacy GoHealth Urgent Care

Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care
22262 NE Glisan St · In Gresham Crossing
Open · Closes 8PM · (503) 489-2024

Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care
2850 SE Powell Valley Rd UNIT 100
Open · Closes 8PM · (503) 666-5050

Needs virtual screening first:

If you are concerned about your symptoms or your ability to be tested, please call us at Tel: 503.489.1760.

You can set up a telemedicine visit (by video or phone) with your care provider. While we can’t give you a shot or do procedures remotely, many of your health needs can be addressed with a telemedicine visit. If your provider then decides that you should have an in-person appointment, that will be arranged.

We can help you to schedule a medical, behavioral health, and even a dental tele-visit. Please call us at 503-489-1760 to find out more and schedule your appointment.

We are also providing insurance enrollment assistance through phone appointments, as well as assistance finding helpful community resources of all kinds (food, prescription delivery, transportation, energy and rent and more).

Seeking medical care related to COVID-19 (prevention, testing or treatment) will not make you subject to a public charge test or negatively affect your immigration status, because:

  • The public charge rule does not apply to most immigrants. For example, refugees, persons without documentation, persons who already have Legal Permanent Residency, and victims of trafficking will never be subject to a public charge test.
  • Even if you are someone who might possibly be subject to a public charge test, using your Medicaid coverage for services related to COVID-19 will not count against you.
  • Similarly, “Emergency Medicaid”/CAWEM will never be considered in a public charge test.
  • Sliding fee discounts at a health center will never be considered in a public charge test.
  • Learn more here.

Wallace is expecting to receive the vaccine in the coming weeks. We are excited to be able to offer this to our patients. We will be reaching out to patients as doses become available. Information will also go out through MyChart. If you haven’t yet signed up, this is a great time to do it.

Keep in mind we will receive a limited amount of doses at a time and will be prioritizing patients based on recommendations by the CDC. These include our most vulnerable patients, such as people over 65 and those with severe underlying chronic health conditions.

The Oregon Health Authority has a great website that has excellent information about vaccine safety, prioritization, and more. Visit to learn more.

If you would like to learn more, you can find reliable news updates and information from: